You store sensitive information about your clients, ranging from Social Security numbers to credit information. You need that information to complete the HUD closing statement but you also need to protect it from unauthorized viewing. Here are a few tips on how to make Easy HUD even more secure against electronic intrusion.
Password Protect Your Computer – The computer running your title closing software should require a login and a password, and should automatically lock and require the password be re-entered if left unattended. This is important for desktops but even more so for laptops, which can be more easily stolen. It takes only a couple of seconds to enter a password and yet this goes a long way to stopping most attempts to get into your computer.
Use A Good Password – Computer security firm SplashData recently released their list of the most common passwords, which included such obvious choices as “123456”, “qwerty” and of course “password” and its clever brother “password1”. Using passwords like these is like leaving your front door unlocked with a sign saying, “Please don’t rob me. Thank you.” You don’t have to use passwords like “k1c#i/a4” but use a little common sense when choosing one.
Update Your Security Software – You should have at the very least a firewall and an antivirus program. Your computer almost certainly came with both. However out-of-date security software rapidly becomes useless. Set all software for automatic updates, including not just your security software but also Windows, your browser, Java and any other potential security holes.
Don’t Forget Physical Security – True hacking is rarer than shown in the movies. Most data theft is burglary rather than digital crime. A thief can break into your office, take your computers and crack your HUD settlement statement software security at leisure. It’s not enough to lock the main door. Each office door should be locked as well. If you are in a high crime area you might want to invest in an alarm or security patrol. Remember a thief doesn’t just steal your equipment; he steals customer identities.
Some people feel that, since serious hackers can get past any security, there is no reason to implement these protections. Security isn’t so much about keeping people out as it is making you a more difficult target than someone else. Easysoft legal practice management software implements the best security features around, but you still need to practice smart computing as well.