Attorneys fresh from law school may go work in a big law firm for a while to get some experience but they may also go start a solo practice, either by design or because none of the law firms are hiring. They quickly discover that real law practice is very different than law school. Help is available from CIS, Easysoft’s specialized NJ matrimonial software.
Learn The Case Information Statement
The NJ CIS is the core document in New Jersey divorces but it can be overwhelming to new attorneys. Our software helps take you through the document by giving you a more intuitive interface for entering information. You can easily jump from section to section, coming back to add information later, without needing to recalculate the figures or mark out old entries. CIS streamlines information collection by automating the process and allowing the client, rather than the attorney, to enter the information in a controlled manner.
Learn New Jersey Law
We aren’t saying that CIS is a substitute for a law degree, but it can help you remember the specific details of New Jersey divorce law. It automatically calculates support according to NJ regulations, includes common government forms and calculates taxes according to the latest available tax tables. Think of it as a personal assistant that is up on the most recent New Jersey divorce statutes and can whisper in your ear when you seem to be making a mistake.
Calculate Settlements & Support
Divorce is not simple. Every case is different and the web of asset & liability distribution, lifestyle expenditure analysis and spousal support agreements gets confusing. Child support can change dramatically with small modifications to a custody agreement. CIS makes all of these calculations easy so attorneys, both new and experienced, can focus on the law rather than the math.
Tax Optimization
One of the ways experienced family law attorneys differ from new ones is they understand how alimony and child support affect taxes. They can create deals that on the surface seem exactly the same but actually end up saving both parties money by lowering taxes. CIS works with Divorce Financials, Easysoft’s generalized divorce software for attorneys, to allow attorneys to create tax optimized settlements.
New attorneys often want a minimal office until they get their practices going, but CIS is the one software tool all New Jersey family law attorneys need. Not convinced? Download a demo of CIS and find out how much easier divorce settlement can be.