You may be in a bad habit without even realizing that it is costing your client money.
When you are negotiating a matrimonial settlement, do you concentrate on two or three big assets, use estimates, and say each party ‘keeps their own’ for everything else?
The problem with the approach of concentrating on only two or three obvious assets, like the house and a couple of retirement accounts, is that you miss out on how much everything else is worth.
Use Easysoft’s “Divorce Software” to enter and add up checking accounts, savings accounts, savings bonds, stock certificates, rental deposits, and even cash in the cookie jar. On the other side of the divorce settlement negotiations ledger, major credit cards, store credit cards, deferred store loans on furniture, and overdue income taxes are just some of the bills that may only be in only one party’s name.
When you use the Easysoft networth statement, you start to systematically add up the details that can be worth thousands of dollars. The client starts by filling out a questionnaire that is included with the Easysoft Divorce Financials Software. You then have a thorough and systematic approach to begin inserting that client information into the networth statement.
Once that data is input to the networth statement, your divorce settlement negotiations are easy. Assign the asset and liability distribution and see the distribution lists and totals per party. Now those “little” items reveal themselves as the not-so-little totals in the overall divorce settlement negotiations.
At Easysoft, we design our family law software with a low cost to you for a solid rate of return for each one of your clients. It’s no wonder “easy” is part of our name.