Great news for New Jersey divorce lawyers and family law firms! The newest version of Easysoft’s New Jersey family law software, CIS 2.2 B, is now compliant with relevant legislative changes in effect as recently as September 1, 2011.
First, a little background to catch you up. In 2006, the New Jersey legislature passed the Civil Union and Domestic Partnership Act, recognizing civil unions in New Jersey. This law gives legal recognition to civil unions-although proponents of gender-neutral marriage have made it clear that it’s not exactly the same thing. But we digress…
September 1, 2011 (just last week) saw day one of a 2011 Omnibus Rule which (among other things) requires a change in the terminology used in divorce documentation-including your clients’. From the passage of the Civil Union and Domestic Partnership Act until last Thursday, this change had not been mandatory.
In the most basic sense, what this means is that your divorce forms, financial affidavit (New Jersey case information statement), and other documentation can no longer use the terms “husband” and “wife.” Instead, all such documentation must use the words plaintiff and defendant in describing the parties to a divorce action.
As always, Easysoft comes to the rescue. Our popular divorce software, otherwise known as Case Information Statement or CIS, has many new features (CIS 2.2B) which-among many, many other things-niftily replaces the old terms with the new. Instead of using the outmoded husband and wife terminology, we’ve employed “plaintiff” and “defendant” everywhere necessary: including the case data collection section, all worksheets, forms, pleadings, and template correspondence.
CIS 2.2B populates the fields with the proper terminology. Even some of our blog entries and examples have been changed. We’re not trying to brainwash you…we’re just helping you to keep up with the times which are a-changin’.
And with that, once again, Easysoft has made compliance with new laws as easy and breezy as turning on your computer.
For more information about CIS 2.2B and our other family law software, including our national divorce settlement product Divorce Financials, call Easysoft at 800.905.7638.